Monday, April 7, 2008

It's A Bird! It's A Plane! It's....My DAD!!

I left my father a little while ago lying in the hospital. He was groggy from pain medicine, but his spirits were seemingly good considering.

There are tenuous days ahead for my family. I would really love to enter into full ostrich mode at this time and carefully peek my head out when everything is past. But this is not to happen, I am sure.

I have experienced much life. I have learned many things. I have treasures in memories stored in every crevice of my heart. I have had the distinct blessing of being my father's child for over 41 years now. Every year, through every new trial, I know the blessings increase.

I am overwhelmed.

To know that who I am, who I have become, the shape of my character, my strength, came from that precious man I left tonight resting, unsure of tomorrow, is a gift.

I hear of people that have suffered many difficulties, and I think, "WOW, how do they do it?"

And then I think of my Dad, of his life, of his triumphs and failings, and I just know.

My Dad has faced life, had made decisions, both good and bad. And, you know what, just like those speeding bullets that plagued that fictional super hero, life has just kept coming for Dad.

He is facing a new enemy, this one more threatening than we could have imagined. This enemy just crept in and abruptly took over, leaving us stunned and feeling powerless.

I looked at him tonight, this giant man from my little girl-hood, and I see the weariness from the constant battles of late, and I pray he has the strength to fight on, I pray that this won't be his Kryptonite.

I'm not ready to say goodbye to my very own super hero. But I know that if I have to, my Father in Heaven will see me through. And I know, someday, goodbye will come, always. (Our Appointment with the King)

Sweet Lord, take care of my Daddy tonight. Give him comfort and peace. Work in his body to bring healing, work in his heart to draw him close to You. Be with us now, and continue to prepare us. Thank You for fighting my battles, and healing my wounds. I need You more than yesterday.

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