Sunday, June 15, 2008

~~Hottest Dads~~

I pulled up my Internet Explorer yesterday, and there was a slide show with photos of America's *Hottest Dads.*

That caused me to ponder, I mean, it is obvious what the world considers makes for a good father.

Let's see if I can give you a basic rundown. They were good-looking (per the Hollywood standard), they were quoted as saying they loved their children, they had pictures of them holding them or holding their hands, they were *involved* in their children's lives, and they had washboard abs.

Only one out of the 32 featured said anything about *family values* and that says plenty to me.


I came up with my own list of

~~Hottest Dads~~

I will have to start with Abraham. My Pastor preached an awesome message this morning about "Father Abraham" and so I feel like that is a good place to start, after all, his name does mean "Father of great multitude."

Abraham not only loved Isaac, but he was there for him. He had the answer for Isaac when he questioned him about the whereabouts of the lamb for the sacrifice (Genesis 22: 1-8), and he had the right direction for himself and for the next generations to follow.

One of the things that strikes me the very most about Abraham is that when you are reading about the generations that follow after him, and they trace back, they always stop with Abraham.

As Pastor Weeks said this morning, we can find the answer why in Joshua 24:2. "And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in the old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods."

So, even though Abraham did not have the example that Isaac did, he was able to give that kind of example to Isaac. What a testimony!!

Next on my list would have to be my Pastor, Ben Weeks. Not only do I see him in his role as father to Abby, but I am amazed by his ability to be our spiritual father. He is wise beyond his years, and carries a load that I cannot even fathom. I have seen him weep, and I have seen him correct. But most of all, I have seen the love he has for each and every one of us, and I am honored to call him my Pastor, thankful he is my Watchman.

My brother is such a tremendous man. Not only a tremendous man of God, but he is a Pastor, a husband, and a father. It fills my heart to hear him talk of his *girls* and to see the love light his face. But what impresses me even more is to see that same love light his face when he talks about his church family. I cannot tell you what it has meant to see God work in him and through him, and to know that the best is yet to come. I cannot wait to see *Papa Tim.*

My husband is full of wisdom in so many ways. He says he knows he has made mistakes as a parent (don't we all), but it is his desire to be a better father than his father, and that his son would be a better father than he has been. He has fostered independence in our children, trying to prepare them *and me* for that day that will come when they will have their own lives. And I listen to them as they unconsciously repeat those very principles that he has pounded into them over the years.

My brother-in-law has so much love for my nephew that it seems he will nearly burst with it. He has become a father to be proud of. He has given himself to my nephew, allowing him to know him. And he has shown him, by example, how to give of himself to God, to the work of God, how to be submissive to their Pastor and honor him. He has such a giving heart and he has given that to his son.

Then, of course there is my own Dad. So much of who I am came from him. And I hear him more every day. He has given me the confidence and poise to face life head-on. I have gained so much more respect and understanding for him through all of our recent challenges. He has so much pride and resolve. I know a good deal of that comes from his own father.

My *Little Papa* was an humble man. He was one of the smartest, well liked people I have ever known. Even though he has been gone for almost 10 years people still talk about him, and I still miss him.

My Grand-Daddy was so wonderfully affectionate. He had a heart of gold. I still love the memories I made when I stayed with him. He treated me like I was so special when I was with him. I will always miss him.

Now, of all the attributes I mentioned, I don't think washboard abs was there. It is sad that the world doesn't get what really makes a man worthy of honor, and that is to live a life of honor. No Oscars or Golden Globes for those I have listed.

Matthew 7:20 says, "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."

Let me list some of the fruits of the great men....


Each one of these lives touched other lives, produced more fruit.

Each man listed is a legacy.

You don't get much ~~Hotter~~ than that!!!

Thanks to all of you Dad's, all of you men living a godly life in front of your children, upholding the standard, honoring your Pastor's. You are the ones that are worthy of the recognition.

50 years from now these celebrity dads with be all but forgotten, but your commitment will live on for generations to come!!!

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