Monday, December 24, 2007

And To All A Good Night

What a beautiful morning I stumbled across while leaving work a few minutes ago. The air was crisp, the sky a beautiful midnight blue, the moon was large and wreathed in a frosty glow. I longed for someone to share it with.

So I thought of you.

As this Christmas Eve morning was dawning today, you were in my thoughts.

And if I could give you one gift today, it would be the gift of a moment.

I would give you a moment when your heart catches in your chest, when you feel your eyes mist with tears, when the perfection of that instant overwhelms you, erasing all of your cares and worries.

I would give you the joy of the discovery, as your mouth forms a slack "Oh" and you are suspended long enough to etch that feeling into the very fiber of your soul.

And I would give you the ability to *see* that moment in the smallest of things, allowing you to grasp it instead of letting it slip away unnoticed.

And I pray that when it comes for you, you will see His hand, feel His love, as I did today.

For He does love me. He was waiting to show me how much as I hurried to my truck to get out of the cold air.

He was waiting with a message just for me.

So today, my message for you is a message of love, of my love for you, and the hope that you will see Him more than ever.

And as I end my day and you will soon begin yours, I'm wishing you a Christmas filled with love, filled with *moments,* filled with Christ.

Merry Christmas to all....and to all....a good night.

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