Thursday, December 6, 2007

Where Am I?

It's always about the same.

Someone paces anxiously. Wondering and hopeful, they wait for the moment they can see recognition dawning.

Then, always, the same question when eyes once again focus, "Where am I?"

The answers usually vary.

Trapped in a cave after the avalanche.

Recovering from the mauling you received from the Siberian Tiger you were trying to capture.

In a hospital in Topeka where they brought you after you rescued a family of 12 from a burning inferno and then collapsed on the ash strewn lawn.

Have you ever woken up and asked that question?

Where am I?

I have. Yesterday, pulling out from my house, heading to work, that very question resonated in my mind.

Where am I??

And it was You I thought of. Where am I in my walk with You? Where do I need to be? Am I everything I can be?

I know the answer to that one. NO.

Sometimes in life as we rush around trying to save the world, or just trying to live, we wake up and realize we may have lost our way, made a wrong turn, or made a u-turn.

Sometimes we realize we have been traveling well below the speed limit, or we are in desperate need of slowing down.

Where am I today, right now? Examine me, Lord. I don't want to wake up and realize I have no idea who I am or who You are anymore. I need that intimate relationship with You, because You are the very air I breathe. I don't want to come to the awareness I have had a collision with the world that has left me forever changed, unconscious of my need for you, I want to only get closer to You, more aware of You and Your purpose for me. Speak to me, let me hear Your voice, remind me all over again where I am, and that I am Yours.

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