Thursday, April 30, 2009

If So

I have found myself, on occasion asking that most horrible thing....


What if I had done things differently? What if they had not behaved that way? What if I had more money? What if I had less??

What would my life be like if I hadn't met Him?

Aahhh! That's one I can answer. I can see the path I was on, trace the course to my imminent destruction.

My great-niece was dedicated this past Sunday. As usual, I am hundreds of miles away. I hate the distance. But, there is always a reason.

It was this beautiful child's grandfather that introduced me to Him. His zeal, his persistence, his prayers. He literally did lead his family to the Lord, and he didn't stop with us. He continues to seek the lost, reach for them.

What if he had never met the Lord? Well, that's one I would rather not dwell on.

And what if we were not hundreds of miles apart? If so, would there be a work here in Douglas? Would our Pastor have felt that burden for this city? I don't know.

But there is a church here, God wants a church here, and if He put a church here, if He put that burden in our Pastor, in us...then it's SO.

There are great things happening right here in Douglas, Georgia. He is doing great things, and if he is doing great things here, I am so glad to be a part!!

Thank You, Jesus, for my family, for the burden of a brother, for the burden of a Pastor, and for a church that loves Truth!

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