Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Eviction Notice

I am firmly entrenched in middle age. In many ways I love who I am now because I have finally learned the value of not caring about what the world at large thinks. 

Over the years I have allowed a lot of unnecessary "things" in my life. One day I woke up and thought why am I letting this or that dictate who I am? And, then came the question of who I really am. 

Once I started asking myself the hard questions I realized that some of the "things" that had taken up residence in my life were hindering me from truly being happy. 

Look around you today. What do you see? Do you see yourself where you wanted to be at the age you are? If not, take inventory of your surroundings and see what has taken up residence in your life. 





Self hatred. 



Sometimes we decide that our ability to overcome our circumstances is not within our reach. We lose our value and we become trapped in circumstances we were meant to overcome. 

I have a sweet friend that I have watched this very thing happen to. Because of mistakes and bad decisions they have decided they deserve no better than what they have. So, they have become a horder of self doubt and self recrimination. They have surrounded themselves with circumstances and people they feel they somehow deserve. 

But, that isn't true. 

And, when I look into their eyes I see my own longing to break free from the things I allowed to box me in. 

There comes a time when we need to walk the halls of our own hearts and discard those things that have kept us from rising to where we are meant to be. 

We have to have the courage to say this is not where I want to spend my life. And we have to begin to pack up those things that are keeping us from moving forward and kick them to the curb. 

Is it easy? No.  

Do they just let it go when you decide to move them out?  Nope. 

Will you automatically have all your dreams come true? Absolutely not. 

But, when you decide to rise above your circumstances you have to also decide to fight for better circumstances. And, you have to know without a doubt you are worth the fight. 

So, to my sweet friend today. I know how hard you have struggled. And I know that when you decide to get the "hell" out of your life, hell is never happy. But, you are worth so much more than you have allowed yourself to realize or dream. 

I will be right here to help you box up those things that have boxed you in and I will be right there to bolt the door should they try to come back. 

You are valuable. You are worthy. And you are loved. 

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