Thursday, May 10, 2007

While I Was *NOT* Sleeping

I know it's late,
I know I'm weary....


Today was a very long day. Very long. But I did learn some things today. I know you are just waiting with baited breath for me to tell you, so here goes nothing......

I have learned that:
1. I have a lot to learn.
2. I have a lot to learn.
3. There are things that I don't understand.
4. I always have to depend on God.
5. No matter what, He has to be first.
6. No matter what, my family comes next.
7. I have a lot to learn.
8. The saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" still turns my stomach.
9. Life works better with prayer.
10. Life only works with Him.
11. I have a lot to learn.
12. Sometimes the answer is the most obvious thing.
13. Sometimes the most obvious thing is not the answer.
14. I have a lot to learn.
15. Through it all I've *learned* to depend upon His word.
16. He'll never leave me NOR forsake me.
17 In my weakness He IS my strength.
18. I hope I learn.

So today happened. It happened to me. And I'm tired from crying, but if I lay down and go to sleep then tomorrow comes, and I'm just not ready yet. I'm just not ready.

Lord help me to KNOW Your ways. Just help me.....

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