Thursday, March 20, 2008

Um..OK...That was DIFFERENT!!

I have FINALLY finished my out of town training. Now I am just waiting to have walls and doors in my office so I can *move in.* We have been promised this will happen on the 31st. I'm sooo excited!!

I have spent the last two days with Ronda, who is over our Community Education for Source. We have travelled around, visiting doctors and different places around town.

I have seen some old friends, and, hopefully, made some new connections. Please be praying for me that we will be successful here. From everything I have seen so far, God is better to me than I deserve *once more!*

So, today we took an office out to lunch from Alma. When they came filing in the restaurant I was surprised that the doctor came with them. Usually they are too busy for this kind of thing. But, he was the first one in the door.

He was a young guy. I am guessing in his mid thirties. He definitely fit his last name as he had very Nordic coloring. Needless to say, I was kind of shocked, not only that he came, but that he was so very young looking.

But, that was nothing.

In a very short time I was incredulous. First he started with throwing paper.

Then he stepped up to potato chips...

And in a very short time he was throwing pickles...

And his staff were throwing them back...

I know my face was showing my shock.

He would chunk a pickle and then laugh until his whole face turned blood red.

Finally one of his staff asked for a knife from the kitchen and another staff member grabbed it and held it aloft, threatening his life if he hit her with a pickle.

Another staff member jumped up after a pickle landed on her shoulder and proceeded to beat him all over with the pickle...

For the rest of the afternoon I just shook my head.


But, it was pretty funny. Even the staff in the restaurant were saying *WOW* after they all sedately filed out.

I don't think my own staff have to worry about flying pickles, but I hope we do have fun.

On a side note, I hired my first person. I pray I made a sound decision. Keep praying for me people....

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad world!!!!

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