Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

I laid down last night and the first thing that came to my mind when it settled down enough to allow me to listen to my own thoughts was the first line of "The Long and Winding Road" by Paul McCartney.

I know this is not a Christian song but I have often thought of this song when I have thought of death. I don't know what was intended when this song was composed, but I have always pictured a tired soldier ready to go through that door at the end of his long journey of life.

Last night the biggest, strongest man I have ever known came to the end of the long and winding road of his life.

We started a different journey as a family several years ago when my father's eyesight began to fail. Then in 2006 he had heart surgery.

If any of you have followed my blog through the years you have been part of our journey. We have been on the mountain top and we have struggled through the valley.

I was able to spend last weekend in Louisiana just being with my parents. No one was in the hospital, we just spent time together.

I am so thankful for that time. You know, I could see the direction the road was taking, and I knew that God was in control. That doesn't mean that my heart is not broken because it is. But that means that I trust Him and know He works ALL things for my good.

I can still see him, in my mind, big and strong as I looked up at him from my little girl eyes. I was certain that he was undefeatable.

And as the years have passed I grew more and more certain that he was the wisest, strongest man I would ever know. He has been through so much and I marvel that we have had the time with him that we have.

So, tomorrow the body of a great man will arrive in Douglas to be interred in that body's final resting place, but my big, strong Daddy is long gone. Today he can walk the streets of gold on both legs. What is such a day of sadness for me is a day of celebration for him.

No more sorrow, no sickness, no pain. No more goodbyes.

So this is not goodbye, Daddy. When I reach the end of my long and winding road we will have the chance to meet again. What a day, glorious day, that will be.

You are the best Daddy there ever was. And you are loved beyond measure.

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