He was in such great spirits! We had a good time until they came in to give him a bath!
Shain and I walked around downtown for a few minutes while they were getting him cleaned up and looked for locations we could use. He will be posting some of the results of that on our blog.
Then we headed back up to the hospital and Dad was asleep when we arrived, but with just a jiggle of his leg, he shot up and sat on the edge of the bed. Shain helped him get to the bathroom via his wheelchair. He did such a good job getting himself from the bed to the chair and back again. I was VERY impressed with his mad transfer skills!!!
He was really clear in his thoughts. I had come prepared to stay in case the surgery caused him to be foggy, but he wasn't at all, so after a visit I headed home.
I'm looking forward to Sunday when I can get up to see him again.
We took a couple of pictures during our visit. Just looking at them makes me smile. It is nice to have Dad back!!!

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